Monday, February 7, 2011

Blogging - Become the Local Expert

Blogging began in the 1990 and has come a long way to the point that it is the most accepted  way to share personal commentary with other Internet users. A blog is an online diary. After 10 years, with hundreds of millions of blogs in existence, this industry has become mature and not just a passing fad.
For a business, a blog can be an effective marketing tool that can spread word about your brand quickly, easily and in a cost effective manner. You are able to informally connect with your listening public to be listened to, responded to and engaged in a conversation with your target market.
There are no barriers to entering the blogging world. Platforms such as Blogger, WordPress, Typepad are free, simple to set up with no need for super skill levels. Content is easy to maintain an publish. Once published, there are many ways you can market your blog to grow readership and expand your customer base. Writing good content is important, but all the great ideas in the world are of no importance if your content cannot be found. There are several ways you can ensure that the world can find your content including optimization so you are visible. As well you can join other blogging communities to link with other bloggers.
Some bloggers monetize their blog by capitalizing on traffic to their site. The amount of traffic to your site becomes a magnet for potential advertisers. If you have a significant number of viewers on a certain topic advertisers are willing to pay simply to expose their product to your viewing audience.
So start your blog today and post relevant material your customers would want to see. Start small. Let it grow naturally. You can do it!

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