Friday, January 28, 2011

Starting a Social Media Campaign for your business

To help you create a social media campaign best suited for your business I will be blogging twice a week with information to assist you in your long term goal of an effective, low cost method of promoting you and your business for profit and even a bit of fun. So here goes.
First step in building an effective social media campaign is to start. It is that simple. Do not be intimidated that you cannot do it. Your campaign can be simple or broad. The simple fact is you must start.
Let's break down the most useful Social media components for you to use into the following categories:
- Blooging
- Microblogging
- Social Networking
- Social Bookmarking
- Multimedia
- Reviews and Opinions
- Wikis
Each of these unique techniques have specific elements that can be used to assist you in your approach. For instance in the Social Networking area Facebook has become the leader. Myspace is also a tool that can be used in this area as well.
Blogging has other tools, Blogger, TypePad and WordPress for instance. And so on.
This is the age of Internet 2.0. In Internet 1.0 interaction was one way. An Internet site was set up to inform people. Very little interaction occurred. You informed you clients and customers about you, your business and perhaps your success and achievements. People searched for you and only interacted by email or other one way communication techniques.
Today we expect more two way communication. In Facebook for instance we attempt to have a social experience. The largest growing group in Facebook is women over 55 years of age! This group uses Facebook to interact with children and grand children, friends and family! WOW! Who would have thought!
So let go of your fears, Change your mind set and enjoy the journey.
Next time - Blogging!

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