Wednesday, April 28, 2010

RE/MAX Coaching and Mentoring Network

RE/MAX believes that a great Mentor is better positioned than a trainer to assist a real estate agent excel with their career. Qualifying as a RE/MAX Mentor involves a certification process that is backed up by the most professional brand in the industry. Continuous education and development are the disciplines that RE/MAX Mentors take seriously. Having a knowledgeable, experienced and committed individual on your side will create the most meaningful experience and the most extraordinary results.
Mentor Programs with RE/MAX Professionals are as follows:
- RE/MAX Professionals @Impact Mentor
- Succeed
- Buffini and Company, 100 Days to Greatness (RE/MAX Edition)
- Ultimate Agent
- Richard Robbins International RE/MAX Masters Edge

Coaching is essential for any agent, especially in the busy Toronto and Mississauga real estate market place, if an agent wants to be the best they can be. We all encounter and experience life in different ways daily and by sharing these experiences wit ha coach we are able to receive feedback that is relevant and useful. A great coach will probe and ask questions that will help produce a deeper and more meaningful understanding of these experiences and help guide actions to achieve optimal results.
The guidance that a coach brings to a coaching relationship encourages and supports the agent's object rives ans assists in unlocking potential, and thereby can create astounding results.
Coaching opportunities for agents are many and varied. RE/MAX Professionals Inc. is pleased to endorse the following:
- Brian Buffini The Buffini Group
- Ken Goodfellow - CKG International
- Richard Robbins - Richard Robbins International
- Derek Levitt - RE/MAX Professionals.

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